Sunday, 29 September 2019

Banking English Vocabulary

1 UNDUE  (अत्यधिक) excessive dizzying, exorbitant moderate, reasonable Some dogs are very hyper and require an undue amount of attention from their owners.
2 INDIGENOUS  (देशी)Native domestic, homegrown alien, foreign ISRO successfully test-fired an indigenous missile.
3 INTERMITTENT (सविराम): irregular fitful, infrequent   Antonyms: regular, frequent The holiday lights are intermittent and flicker on and off constantly.
4 INCESSANT (लगातार): ceaseless endless, continuous bounded, ceasing His hostility to Reva was incessant.
5 INSULAR (संकुचित विचारवाला): narrow-minded circumscribed, parochial    broad-minded, unbiased Only a few people live in their insular neighborhood in the coldest part of Alaska. 
6 JINX  (अशुभ): curse hex, hoodoo   boon, luck Rohit regarded her as a jinx because she had lost her husband.
7 INERTIA (जड़ता): laziness passivity, sluggishness  action, activity After a large meal, inertia usually keeps me on the couch all day.
8 IMMACULATE (शुद्ध): unspoiled exquisite, neat    dull, defiled The soldier was reprimanded for ruining his immaculate uniform.
9 IMPUTE (आरोप लगाना): attribute accredit, assign exonerate, exculpate You can not impute the damage onto me.
10 INKLING  (आभास): idea  clue, hunch  knowledge, information The records give us an inkling of how people saw the world.
11 DISPEL allay  drive away thought, resolve  recall, take in The flowers from my husband do not dispel the fact I believe he is cheating on me. 
12 LAY DOWN  command impose, order  implore, request The major laid down the army. 
13 PREMISE presumption proposition, supposition  denial, rejection Your theory is faulty because anyone can dispel the premise with a simple experiment.
14 UNPALATABLE not tasting good distasteful, unsavoury  delicious, savoury What an unpalatable Chowmin! she exclaimed. 
15 AFTERMATH impact  outcome, consequences  source, origin Although the aftermath was daunting, nothing could compare to the moment that the tornado struck the building. 
16 ABSOLUTE without limit  infinite, unlimited  bounded, limited  Your idea has really an absolute influence. 
17 PREPONDERATE dominate dictate, overrule  follow, lose Do not even think of preponderating me. 
18 DILUTE adulterate make thinner, water down  make thicker, concentrate To obtain the effect you want, firstly dilute the paint with a little bit of oil. 
19 MOOT  doubtful dubious, questionable  proven, definite The use of phonetic transcription is a moot question. 
20 TRAGIC appalling  awful, deplorable  pleasant, wonderful  Merriam saw the tragic women of the wards.

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